Source code for shelljob.proc

# Subprocess containers
	A mechanism to run subprocesses asynchronously and with non-blocking read.
import atexit
import multiprocessing
import queue
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time

[docs]class CommandException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg ): super(CommandException,self).__init__( msg )
[docs]class Group: """ Runs a subprocess in parallel, capturing it's output and providing non-blocking reads (well, at least for the caller they appear non-blocking). """ def __init__(self): self.output = queue.Queue() self.handles = [] self.waiting = 0
[docs] def run( self, cmd, shell = False, encoding = None, on_error = None ): """ Adds a new process to this object. This process is run and the output collected. @param cmd: the command to execute. This may be an array as passed to Popen, or a string, which will be parsed by 'shlex.split' @param shell: should it be run in a shell (see call) @param encoding: should lines be decoded automatically. Be aware if the decoding fails then the streaming will be interrupted. @param on_error: Called with any exception generated in the processing. @return: the handle to the process return from Popen """ try: return self._run_impl( cmd=cmd, shell=shell, encoding=encoding, on_error=on_error ) except Exception as e: raise CommandException( " '{}' failed".format( cmd ) ) from e
def _run_impl( self, *, cmd, shell, encoding, on_error ): cmd = _expand_cmd(cmd) handle = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell = shell, bufsize = 1 if encoding else 0, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, # needed to detach from calling terminal (other wacky things can happen) close_fds = True, encoding = encoding, ) handle.group_output_done = False self.handles.append( handle ) # a thread is created to do blocking-read self.waiting += 1 def block_read(): try: for line in iter( handle.stdout.readline, '' if encoding else b'' ): self.output.put( ( handle, line ) ) except Exception as e: if on_error is not None: on_error(e) pass # To force return of any waiting read (and indicate this process is done self.output.put( ( handle, None ) ) handle.stdout.close() handle.stdin.close() self.waiting -= 1 block_thread = threading.Thread( target = block_read ) block_thread.daemon = True block_thread.start() # kill child when parent dies def premature_exit(): try: handle.terminate() except: pass # who cares why, we're exiting anyway (most likely since it is already terminated) atexit.register( premature_exit ) return handle
[docs] def readlines( self, max_lines = 1000, timeout = 2.0 ): """ Reads available lines from any of the running processes. If no lines are available now it will wait until 'timeout' to read a line. If nothing is running the timeout is not waited and the function simply returns. When a process has been completed and all output has been read from it, a variable 'group_ouput_done' will be set to True on the process handle. @param timeout: how long to wait if there is nothing available now @param max_lines: maximum number of lines to get at once @return: An array of tuples of the form: ( handle, line ) There 'handle' was returned by 'run' and 'line' is the line which is read. If no line is available an empty list is returned. """ lines = [] try: while len(lines) < max_lines: handle, line = self.output.get_nowait() # interrupt waiting if nothing more is expected if line == None: handle.group_output_done = True if self.waiting == 0: break else: lines.append( ( handle, line ) ) return lines except queue.Empty: # if nothing yet, then wait for something if len(lines) > 0 or self.waiting == 0: return lines item = self.readline( timeout = timeout ) if item != None: lines.append( item ) return lines
[docs] def readline( self, timeout = 2.0 ): """ Read a single line from any running process. Note that this will end up blocking for timeout once all processes have completed. 'readlines' however can properly handle that situation and stop reading once everything is complete. @return: Tuple of ( handle, line ) or None if no output generated. """ try: handle, line = self.output.get( timeout = timeout ) if line == None: handle.group_output_done = True return None return (handle, line) except queue.Empty: return None
[docs] def is_pending( self ): """ Determine if calling readlines would actually yield any output. This returns true if there is a process running or there is data in the queue. """ if self.waiting > 0: return True return not self.output.empty()
[docs] def count_running( self ): """ Return the number of processes still running. Note that although a process may be finished there could still be output from it in the queue. You should use 'is_pending' to determine if you should still be reading. """ count = 0 for handle in self.handles: if handle.poll() == None: count += 1 return count
[docs] def get_exit_codes( self ): """ Return a list of all processes and their exit code. @return: A list of tuples: ( handle, exit_code ) 'handle' as returned from 'run' 'exit_code' of the process or None if it has not yet finished """ codes = [] for handle in self.handles: codes.append( ( handle, handle.poll() ) ) return codes
[docs] def clear_finished( self ): """ Remove all finished processes from the managed list. """ nhandles = [] for handle in self.handles: if not handle.group_output_done or handle.poll() == None: nhandles.append( handle ) self.handles = nhandles
[docs] def close( self ): """ Experimental closing of all handles, even if they haven't finished. This likely doesn't work on all platforms """ for handle in self.handles: handle.group_output_done = True handle.terminate() self.get_exit_codes()
[docs]class BadExitCode(Exception): def __init__(self, exit_code, output): Exception.__init__( self, 'subprocess-bad-exit-code: {}: {}'.format( exit_code, output[:1024] ) ) self.exit_code = exit_code self.output = output
[docs]class Timeout(Exception): def __init__(self, output): Exception.__init__( self, 'subprocess-timeout' ) self.output = output
[docs]def call( cmd, encoding = 'utf-8', shell = False, check_exit_code = True, timeout = None, cwd = None ): """ Calls a subprocess and returns the output and optionally exit code. @param encoding: convert output to unicode objects with this encoding, set to None to get the raw output @param check_exit_code: set to False to ignore the exit code, otherwise any non-zero result will throw BadExitCode. @param timeout: If specified only this amount of time (seconds) will be waited for the subprocess to return @return: If check_exit_code is False: list( output, exit_code ), else just the output """ cmd = _expand_cmd(cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, shell = shell, cwd = cwd ) def decode(out): if encoding != None: return out.decode( encoding ) else: return raw_out if timeout == None: raw_out, ignore_err = proc.communicate() else: # Read from subprocess in a thread so the main one can check for the timeout outq = queue.Queue() def block_read(): out = # wait before pushing, occassionally read returns prior to process terminating, # thus "poll" would return None proc.wait() outq.put( out ) block_thread = threading.Thread( target = block_read ) block_thread.daemon = True block_thread.start() try: raw_out = outq.get(True,timeout) except queue.Empty: proc.terminate() # wait again for partial output (process is terminated, so reading should end) raw_out = outq.get() raise Timeout( decode(raw_out) ) out = decode(raw_out) exit_code = proc.poll() if check_exit_code: if exit_code != 0: raise BadExitCode( exit_code, out ) return out return ( out, proc.poll() )
def _expand_cmd(cmd): if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = shlex.split(cmd) return cmd